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Jamaica 2015

Hi beauties! I’m off on my final vacation for the year to Jamaica! Make sure to follow my Instagram and Snapchat (both @simplyeseeri) to get a first look of what I’m up to.  Regular scheduled posts will resume when I return.

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By Eseeri, October 30, 2015

Travelling Pieces

I’m headed off on a mini road trip soon and I already know the staple travelling pieces that I will be packing; a pair of sneakers, jeans, and a simple tank. These clothing pieces often make it into my travelling bag because they are not only comfortable but also fashionable as they can easily be…

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By Eseeri, August 6, 2015

NYC 2015 – Part 2

If you’ve been following my blog you’ll know that I love going out to eat. This trip was no exception. Whatever my heart desired I ate! If you get the chance to visit NYC I highly suggest you try out some good eats.

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By eseeri, July 28, 2015

New York 2015 – Part 1

At the beginning of this month I was able to visit New York City (NYC). I had been there a few years ago but didn’t take in all of the tourist activities or really get the chance to just hang out and leisurely explore. The first few days in NYC my friend took me to…

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By eseeri, July 27, 2015

Carry-on Luggage

Hi beauties! I’m back from my mini vacation to New York City and wanted to share with you how I managed to travel with only a carry-on suitcase for a 5 day vacation. To avoid checking in luggage, I had to be well organized as to what I planned on bringing for my trip. I…

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By eseeri, July 7, 2015
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