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Solo Travel Experience

  When evolving, something magical happens when you step into the unknown; growth. A few weeks ago I went on my first solo trip. I packed a backpack and carryon case and stepped into adventure. I decided to spend about 5 days in Amsterdam with one day trip to Brussels, Belgium. This was hands down…

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By Eseeri, June 14, 2017


Life get’s busy. At times, I sometimes wonder; can I do it all? When things get hectic and I need to refocus the first thing I do is unplug. I unplug from social media because to me it becomes a distraction when I need to get my life together.

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By Eseeri, May 1, 2017

Minimalism and Makeup

Hi beauties! As I shared last week, I’m currently on a minimalism journey. I’m currently in the process of “flushing out” things that don’t add any significance to my life and am now focused on quality versus quantity. With that being said, how will this impact my beauty obsession moving forward?

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By Eseeri, April 12, 2017


I stumbled on minimalism by accident. Last year, one of my major focuses was getting rid of my debt. In doing so, I was looking for ideas that would motivate me to not purchase things that I did not need. Then came minimalism.

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By Eseeri, March 28, 2017

Staying Focused

It’s officially the third month of 2017 and it seems as though the year is going by in a flash! Is it just me or does it feel like we just wished everyone a Happy New Year? With time going by so quickly I’m glad to know that I’ve been able to stay focused on…

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By Eseeri, March 2, 2017
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