Hello fellow fitness lovers! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a workout and/or healthy living post on my blog and I’m happy to do so featuring my experience of going to the gym everyday for 40 days straight!
Hello fellow wunderlusters! It’s that time of the year again when vacation planning begins!
Hello my fellow savers! I wanted to share with you the money challenge I’m challenging myself to this year, it’s the 5 dollar money challenge!
Hello! Hope you are all having a wonderful start to the new year. If you haven’t already started thinking about what you’d like to accomplish, check out my 5 simple realistic tips to accomplishing your goals below. 1. Identify your goals 2. List your goals from most important to least important 3. Make a plan…
Hello fellow Wunderlusters! Today’s travel post is a little bit different, it touches on taking a vacation, but in your own city!