Hello world! Follow me around for the weekend to see what I get up to. On this weekend I did batch photos for my instagram account, made it to the Cheesecake Factory and did some adulating; this included laundry and meal prepping. Video can be seen below or catch it on my Youtube channel @simplyeseeri…
Hi beauties! I hope you are all staying safe and well during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all going through trying times and the important thing is to stay safe, healthy, and to take care of your mental health. With that being said, aside from keeping healthy it’s also important to do things that bring…
Hello all! I hope you have been keeping safe during this current climate of COVID19. Personally, I’m still actively social distancing and social isolating. These are still unknown times and as some of us enter week 4 of this moral, may be wavering.
Hello world! Today I’m sharing with you a beginner friendly checklist for those who are wondering what they should consider buying during an at-home quarantine. By now, we are all aware of the COVID-19 (also referred to as the corona virus) pandemic. There are numerous countries, cities, and towns who are strongly encouraging their residents…
Hello world! I hope you are all staying safe, keeping healthy, washing your hands, and practicing social isolation and social distancing during this pandemic we are all globally living in of COVID – 19.