Hello! My name is Eseeri and I have a blog called SimplyEseeri. You’re on it now, reading it. Thank you! As you can tell by the title, contrary to popular belief, blogging ain’t easy! Let’s go down memory lane.
Hello! I’m back from my Brazil trip. I had an absolutely amazing experience and am looking forward to sharing it with you all. As you can imagine, I’m slowly settling back into my normal routine so beauty and lifestyle posts will be back soon. xo, Eseeri
Hello world! I’ll be M.I.A. from the blog for about a week as I’m off to another adventure. This time I’ll be visiting the beautiful country of Brazil! Be sure to follow my Snapchat account (@ simplyeseeri) and my Instagram account (@simplyeseeri) to see what I get up too. I look forward to sharing pictures…
Confession time. Fitness hasn’t been a top priority for me these past few months. Yes, of course I’ve still been going to the gym but I feel like I haven’t really been giving it my all. Do I break a sweat? Yes. Am I able to complete my cardio and strength training? Yes. What I’m…