Hello fellow health and fitness enthusiasts! As the weather warms up I’ve been changing my fitness routine to include more outside activities. If you’re like me it’s hard to keep workouts indoors when the sun is shining outdoors. It’s been a bit of a challenge maintaining my fitness lifestyle over the past couple of weeks…
Hello fellow fitness lovers! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a workout and/or healthy living post on my blog and I’m happy to do so featuring my experience of going to the gym everyday for 40 days straight!
Its been awhile since I’ve talked about my fitness here on the blog. If you’ve been following me on my Instagram account (@simplyeseeri) you know that I mention it regularly and am still passionate about leading an active lifestyle.
If you’re like me, cheat meals are necessary. For the most part, I eat healthy meals daily and I also make sure to be physically active at least 3-4 times a week. With that being said, sometimes I need a break and just want some sugar and bread! Lol.