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Healthy Eating

  • 16 Articles

Carb Cycling – Update

I’m half way done my first month of carb cycling and I’m so proud of myself! This has been one of the hardest things I’ve done when it comes to my nutrition and I’m glad that I’ve come this far.

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By Eseeri, October 4, 2017

Carb Cycling

I haven’t done a health and fitness post in awhile so what better time than now to share with you that I’m officially on week 2 of my carb cycling program! What is carb cycling you ask?

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By Eseeri, September 20, 2017

Post Vacation Body

  If you’re like me, when your vacation is over and done with and you look at yourself in the mirror after days of eating, drinking and being merry, your post vacation body may not be something you are comfortable with.

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By Eseeri, August 2, 2017

Electrolytes Following a Workout

Electrolytes are known as nutrients, minerals and/or chemicals that are found in bodily fluids such as your sweat and blood. Your bodily fluids carry these components as electrical charges and use them for things such as muscle functioning (contracting your muscles so you can move), maintaining fluid levels in the body, and maintaining blood acidity (pH…

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By Eseeri, September 28, 2016
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