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  • 42 Articles

Electrolytes Following a Workout

Electrolytes are known as nutrients, minerals and/or chemicals that are found in bodily fluids such as your sweat and blood. Your bodily fluids carry these components as electrical charges and use them for things such as muscle functioning (contracting your muscles so you can move), maintaining fluid levels in the body, and maintaining blood acidity (pH…

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By Eseeri, September 28, 2016

GET IT RIGHT, GET IT TIGHT – Cardio Overdrive

On Monday’s, I like to focus on cardio rather than strength training. Today was no exception; however, I took it one step further than I normally do. I not only ran on the treadmill during my morning workout, but I also decided to take my usual lunchtime walk and run on the treadmill after work….

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By Eseeri, September 12, 2016
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