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Toronto Food & Drink Market

If you follow my snapchat (simplyeseeri) you’ll see all of the fun I had this past weekend. I made my way to the annual Toronto Food & Drink Market. This is my second year in a row going and I was not disappointed!

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By Eseeri, April 12, 2016

Complex Carbohydrates vs. Simple Carbohydrates

What are Carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are caloric energy that your body needs to function. They are composed of sugars, fiber and starch. Carbohydrates affect everything; your brain, metabolism, digestive system and muscle to name a few! Carbohydrates are necessary for the human body to function and they should never be avoided.

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By Eseeri, March 23, 2016

I Eat – Byzantium Restaurant

My friends and I visited Byzantium Restaurant this year during Toronto’s annual Winterlicious event that ran from January 29th to February 11th. Winterlicious allows foodies such as myself to visit restaurants and eat dishes from their menu for a special price. We choose to eat a 3 course dinner meal at Byzantium. Byzantium is located…

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By Eseeri, March 8, 2016

I Eat – Toula Restaurant & Bar

My friend and I visited Toula Restaurant this year during Toronto’s annual Winterlicious event that ran from January 29th to February 11th. Winterlicious allows foodies such as myself to visit restaurants and eat dishes from their menu for a special price. We choose to eat a 3 course dinner meal at Toula Restaurant & Bar….

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By Eseeri, February 22, 2016

February 2016 Sample Menu

If you follow my snapchat (@simplyeseeri), for the past few weeks I’ve been sharing my meal plans. I thought to make it a bit easier for my followers and share my meal plan on the blog about once a month. During the week, I generally eat peascatarian and vegetarian meals (reserving chicken and meat meals…

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By Eseeri, February 9, 2016
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