Hello 2025! Happy New Year! New year often means new goals that help to better your life. Some people call it new year resolutions, while others just look at the new year as a fresh start to achieving their desires. Whatever you call it, this the perfect time to begin something new that will bring…
Baking season is year round. And for some of us, (it’s me – I’m some of us), we become obsessed with baking delicious treats especially during the cooler season. Recently, I tried my hand at baking zucchini bread as it had been a few years since I’ve done so. This loaf came out better than…
Throwing a dinner party at home is a great way to connect with friends and family, share good food, and create memories. But let’s be honest—if you’re not used to doing this, or if you’re new to it, hosting can feel overwhelming if you’re not prepared. From my experience, the key to successfully planning a…
At the start of this year I had challenged myself to spend a month of not making any purchases that were not a need in my life. The aim was to not purchase any frivolous products in an effort to be more conscious of my spending habits. With that being said, maybe you’ve decided to…
Hi fellow travel enthusiasts! Recently, I travelled for the first time on my own for my birthday vacation. (YouTube video to come). During this trip I came to the reminder that it’s an experience that if able, everyone should experience at least once. It can be as intense as an extensive international trip, or a…