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Tips on How to Successfully Complete a No-buy

  • April 21, 2024
  • By Eseeri
Tips on How to Successfully Complete a No-buy

At the start of this year I had challenged myself to spend a month of not making any purchases that were not a need in my life. The aim was to not purchase any frivolous products in an effort to be more conscious of my spending habits.

With that being said, maybe you’ve decided to challenge yourself too, and take on the challenge of not buying non-essential items for a month. Whether you’re doing it to save some money, reduce your environmental footprint, or just to prove to yourself that you can do it, I have some tips to help you successfully complete this challenge.

First, to be clear, when referring to non-essential purchases, that means not buying anything that is not a need. For example, clothes, makeup, shoes etc. The objective is to stop making impulse purchases on frivolous things. The goal here is not to deprive yourself, but to become more mindful and intentional with your spending. Take it one day at a time, stay positive, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up occasionally. You’ve got this!


  1. Make a Plan: Before you start this challenge, take time to plan it out! Make note of any potential spending triggers like birthdays, social events, or sales. Knowing what to expect and being prepared will help you during this time.
  2. Use Your Creativity:  During this time you’ll find that you may come across some items that you forgot you had. When not spending money, you’re often forced to use the things you already have. Use this time to dive into your closet, storage spaces etc. You’ll be surprised at what you find! Mix and match outfits, get experimental in the kitchen, and repurpose items around your home.
  3. Be Open to Borrowing and Sharing: If you’re in the mood for a new book or movie, instead of visiting a book store, consider visiting your local library or see if a friend has what you’re looking for. Need a  tool for a DIY project? Ask around and see if anyone in your community has one you can borrow. Save that money honey!
  4. DIY: Pinterest, YouTube, and TikTok will be your new best friends. From homemade skincare products to up-cycle home decor, there’s a DIY tutorial out there for just about everything on the Internet.
  5. Practice Mindfulness: Throughout this challenge, take some time to reflect on your spending habits and impulses. Ask yourself why you feel the need to buy certain things and whether they truly bring value to your life. Mindfulness can help you develop healthier habits and a deeper appreciation for what you already have.
  6. Celebrate Your Wins: Completing a month without buying anything is not easy. So at the end of it all don’t forget to celebrate!
By Eseeri, April 21, 2024
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