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Skin Sezson

  • May 11, 2020
  • By Eseeri
Skin Sezson

I’m beyond excited and humbled to introduce you to a new luxury cosmetics skin care line called Skin Sezson. As the founder and CEO of Skin Sezson I’m so happy to finally share with you this company that I’ve been working so diligently on for over a year.Today on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook I launched Skin Sezson social platforms. Before you continue reading be sure to follow all accounts to stay up-to-date on the official launch-date! You can click each word (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook) and you will be taken directly to each platform.

Before I dive into it all; I’d like to take a moment to say thank you to my family and friends for their support throughout this journey. This has been a journey to make my dream a reality. I’ve been able to get to this point thanks to their constant encouragement. Starting your own brand – let alone cosmetics brand is no joke! But it was something that I had to do; it’s been my calling since childhood and I could not move forward in life without actually doing it.

Skin Sezson products

I’ve been interested in skin care since childhood. Body lotions and nail polishes were my first independent cosmetics purchases. These were items that were easily accessible and easy to apply. I loved getting lotions and creams in different scents and trying out different textures and formulations. As I got older I began exploring more skin care items; I was introduced to face masks, toners, and eventually makeup. I remember telling a friend about my my dreams for Skin Sezson and one of her immediate responses was along the lines of her saying of course this is something that I’m going to do. When we were kids she reminded me that I use to play in the mud and do masks using mud to make my hands soft. And there was the time when I’d create custom lip glosses, and how could I forget having my dad always trying to kick me out of the bathroom because I’d spend so much time there creating my own face masks. Lol!

As I’ve mentioned, this company, my products are something that has been in the making for a very long time. Once I decided to step out of fear, I realized what needed to be done and got to work. At this point, I’m amazed with the work that I’ve put into Skin Sezson. I didn’t know I could do it until I tried; I’m so thankful and proud of myself for how far I’ve gotten up to this point.

I’ll be sharing my journey to being a new entrepreneur along with further information on Skin Sezson. Thank you for reading and being a part of this exciting moment in my life.

By Eseeri, May 11, 2020
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