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New month new perspective

  • May 7, 2020
  • By Eseeri
New month new perspective

Hello new month, hello May 2020! It’s the start of a new quarter of the year, also known as Q2. With the new month upon us I’m excited for what it has to bring. This new upcoming season of Spring 2020, and the hope of COVID19 rates decreasing I’m choosing to have a positive outlook. As we move into this month I hope you are continuing to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic. Before I continue on it must be said that I’m so grateful for all of the health care workers and essential workers (including grocery workers, cleaners, bank tellers) and all those other amazing workers who are out working and keeping us safe and healthy during these trying times. I (dare I say we), are all so grateful for what you are doing.

When this month began, I immediately took it upon myself to change my perspective. These trying times of the COVID19 pandemic has felt like a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. You’d think that it’d be easy to stay inside but there is so much more to it than that (in my opinion). It’s been both mentally and physically challenging to adjust to this “new normal” of social distancing and quarantine. For example, mentally adjusting to being hyper vigilant to keep things clean and sanitized (as soon as I touch something whether inside or outside of my house I’m washing and sanitizing my hands for fear of touching my face and potentially exposing myself to the virus), and the process of ensuring that I have all my masks and gloves on me to go grocery shopping or for a walk is a lot. Or, physically staying in one place. It’s a lot going on.  Let’s just say that I’ll be so thankful once I’m able to see and hug the people I care about.

My current perspective this month, and moving forward is to have no fear of the future. With so many unknowns it becomes difficult to plan and to easily submit to fear. This is what I’m not going to do. Similar to one of my previous posts (Focus on what you can control – click HERE to read), I’m focused on giving my attention to things that I can control. And I’m also learning to go with the flow and still pursue my dreams for the year.  Next week Monday May 11 2020 I’ll be sharing with you a very special project that I’ve been working on for over a year!

I’m looking forward to revealing this secret and welcoming all the other good things to happen this month.

Let me know in the comment section below what you are looking forward to this month and for the next few months.



By Eseeri, May 7, 2020
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