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Focus on what you can control

  • April 13, 2020
  • By Eseeri
Focus on what you can control

Hello all! I hope you have been keeping safe during this current climate of COVID19. Personally, I’m still actively social distancing and social isolating. These are still unknown times and as some of us enter week 4 of this moral, may be wavering.Personally, over the past few weeks I’ve been focused on maintaining habits that I can control. During times of uncertainty it may be difficult to stay positive when you don’t know what’s going to happen next. Like most, feeling in control provides a sense of power, confidence, stability, and hope in our life. As we continue living through this pandemic of COVID19 I’m focused on maintaining these feelings. See below things/activities that I’m in control of.

My attitude. Every day I wake up I make an effort to have a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude requires work. There is a lot of bad news in the world and I’ve made it my responsibility to stay informed while at the same time protecting my mental health by putting in the work with my attitude. How do I keep a positive attitude? I focus on practicing gratitude. For example, I am so grateful for being alive, healthy, and having an amazing support system. I say these things out loud, I write them down, I share my spirit of gratitude with loved ones.

Connecting. Connecting with those who you care about and those whom care about you is so important. It’s difficult living without having someone to talk to. Especially now, during social distancing and physical isolation. Connecting by phone, text, video chat, social media, etc is necessary for a few reasons: to get continual support, friendship, and love. All of this helps to reduce stress, anxiety, and encourages a sense of positivity because you are able to share and connect with someone who understands and supports you.

Stay active. If you’ve been following my social media platforms for awhile you’ll know that leading an active lifestyle is very important to me. Living an active lifestyle helps me not only physically, but also mentally. With that being said, in this current climate with the gyms, and parks closed I’ve had to be creative in how to maintain a fit lifestyle. Staying active doesn’t have to be hard; go out for walks, stretch, follow online workout videos and templates (most are free) and can be found on Instagram, YouTube, and even Pinterest!

Create habits. Creating sustainable habits definitely helps to create a sense of control. Planning, and doing activities consistently (daily), provides a sense of power over your life. I’ve created habits for myself specific for Monday to Friday and for the weekends. The habits I’ve developed especially during the COVID19 pandemic are similar to what I was doing pre-COVID19. Doing this has helped me maintain a sense of normalcy that I honestly took for granted in the past (never again)! What I’d suggest when creating habits is be kind to yourself. There are many unknowns so start small if you must. That means if you have to change your habits every week until you find a routine that sticks then so be it!

Let me know in the comment section below how you focus on the things you can control?



By Eseeri, April 13, 2020
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