Hello world! Today I’m sharing with you a beginner friendly checklist for those who are wondering what they should consider buying during an at-home quarantine. By now, we are all aware of the COVID-19 (also referred to as the corona virus) pandemic. There are numerous countries, cities, and towns who are strongly encouraging their residents to practice social isolation and social distencing to help reduce the spread of the corona virus. Especially if you’ve recently travelled or think you may have fallen ill.
Below is a check list that I’ve been using as a template to ensure that my home, and family are prepared for a full 14 day quarantine. The reasoning behind my list is to ensure that everyone in my household is able to maintain a healthy immune system, maintain a clean environment, keep a healthy diet and stay sane! I choose to follow a basic list of items that is easy to come by, and that are in my opinion considered essentials.
Since the outbreak of this pandemic, it has become challenging to find grocery items that I typically buy because they are consistently sold out at my local grocery store (for example, toilet paper and chicken). I’ve had to visit multiple grocery store locations in order to find commonly used items. With that being said the list that I’m sharing is a template of the “bare minimum” I’d need. Keep in mind everyone’s list will be different. Think of the checklist below as a great starter guide.
When it comes to food items I am ensuring that I have a list of items I can use to create a meal that consistent of the basic food guide; fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates and protein. The ultimate goal is to ensure that myself and family is able to remain nourished while under quarantine. Of course, I also have fresh fruits, vegetables and salads however the list below reflects what to use once all the fresh foods have been eaten up.
Household items
Food items
Let me know in the comment section below what your must-have quarantine products are.