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How to be ambitious

  • March 2, 2020
  • By Eseeri
How to be ambitious

Everywhere you look on social media you find words such as goals, boss, focused, and the like. I’ll admit, I’m guilty of posting the same thing. Once 2020 rolled around all of that changed – I’m still a motivated and dedicated individual who has achievements that need to be completed but I’m now more interested in working smarter and not harder.

Once this new year of 2020, and this new decade came around it got me to thinking. Why am I always setting goals and how will these goals improve my current life and future? I don’t have all the answers to these questions yet but what it made me realize is that I’m an ambitious person and have always have been. What is ambition? Ambition is the will/desire to want to achieve and/or attain something. It’s a drive that moves you to actually do something to get what you want. Often, ambitions people put in some sort of work (physical, mental, and/or emotional) to achieve what they are seeking.

I’ve always been the type to have goals. I make goals and work towards achieving them. I enjoy the process and journey to getting what I want. Personally I think I’m an ambitious individual and I don’t apologize for it. Growing up, at times I felt as though I had to suppress  my “go-getter” attitude but the older I got I realized that ambition is sexy!

Below are some tips that I’ve found that helped me to not only be ambitious but to also go after what I want

  • Have no fear. Fear is a limiting factor and stops a lot of things in life. With no fear you are actually in the position to TRY and see what can happen – whether good or bad.
  • Welcome failure. Failure is not bad; what’s bad is not moving forward after a setback. I now consider anything that I’ve failed at as a setback because it set me up for a comeback. Use the areas where you lack as a platform to build for better.
  • Have a positive attitude. This one is something I work on DAILY. The best type of compliments I get are when I’m told that I have a positive aura, and brightness to my demeanor. I believe in living in an environment of gratitude no matter how hard things get. This mindset helps me to push towards my goals daily and achieve them with a positive mindset no matter how hard it may be.
  • Do one thing everyday. No matter how small or large your goals are do one thing everyday that gets you closer to where you want to be. Personally I start every week with a game-plan of what I want done. This way I don’t have to rush or worry about what needs to get done.
  • Be open. Over the years I’ve found that being open to new possibilities, opportunities, and way(s) of doing things has led to great things. Don’t be stuck where you’re at; this can sometimes lead to limiting factors that hinder you from progressing.
  • Accept help. We don’t know it all – accept help from someone you trust who does. Use their support and experience as a tool to help you be better to achieve in your goals.



By Eseeri, March 2, 2020
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