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Back in Action

  • October 1, 2019
  • By Eseeri
Back in Action

Hello beauties! It’s been awhile since my last blog post and let’s just say I’ve been a busy bee. I’ve missed blogging for you and I’m glad to slowly get back into the swing of things.

How have you been?! Let me know in the comment section below 🙂 Personally I’ve been well working on multiple projects one of which launched a few weeks ago on my YouTube channel. Before I get ahead of myself lets get back into things slowly. When I last posted, it was fashion-related content. My intent following that post was to continue sharing with you a multitude of content outside of beauty. Like many, I’m interested in a lot of things and enjoy sharing all of my passions with the world. I will always post beauty content on my social media channels but now I’m also intent on  sharing lifestyle content too!

As mentioned earlier, my last post was fashion related and then life took a turn. I decided to further my education to continue developing my professional career and as you can imagine that took up a bulk of my time. Blogging is not my full-time job; this is truly a hobby that I enjoy immensely. With that being said, these past few weeks I’ve had to shift my attention to what matters most.  Once my classes were done, I then continued to shift my attention to YouTube. A few weeks ago I started a new series on my channel called “Buying a Condo” . Yes I’m buying a condo! This is a milestone in my life that I’m beyond excited for and am happy to be able to document the journey.

Laptop lifestyle

In season 1 of “Buying a Condo” I’ve introduced my audience to my realtor and we’ve been able to discuss and answer some questions that first time home buyers often have. If haven’t already be sure to check out my YouTube channel HERE to see all of my latest videos. I’m looking forward to continue sharing new content with you on my YouTube channel!

In an effort to be more consistent on my blog, I’ve decided to engage in a challenge! To kick off the month I decided to participate in a challenge that will encourage me to not only be active here on my blog, but also on my Instagram account @simplyeseeri . If you don’t already you should definitely follow me on Instagram too because I’m way more active on there! I enjoy sharing my daily activities and behind the scene look at the projects that I’m working on. Anyways, my goal with the challenge is to be more consistent in creating content and to connect with you all again!

If there is anything you’d like to see from me don’t hesitate to drop a comment in the comment section below. Or, Tweet/DM me on Insta! I’d love to hear from you. I’m glad to be back in action!




By Eseeri, October 1, 2019
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