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I tried a 30 day health and fitness challenge and this is what happened

  • July 17, 2019
  • By Eseeri
I tried a 30 day health and fitness challenge and this is what happened

Hello fellow health and fitness enthusiasts! I did another challenge. I’m a sucker for challenges and can’t be stopped. Lol! As you can tell from the title I did another fitness related challenge; this time it was comprised of both workout and meal considerations that I needed to follow for 30 days straight.

This time around I decided to purchase a fitness challenge developed by @imrocksolidfitness and @joieinlife . You can find both fitness accounts on Instagram. They developed an intense challenge that ended in 5 winners receiving a prize of $1000 USD! I’ll admit, I entered the challenge with money being the motivating factor. That quickly changed after week one and I realized that no amount of money would make me go through this daily. Lol!

In all seriousness this was one of the hardest health and fitness workouts I’ve come across to date; it not only challenged me physically, but also mentally. Everyday I had to make sure I made the best choices when it came to fuelling my body with food, and pushing it to its best potential with the prescribed workouts, to even showing it love by getting a massage and getting a good night rest for recovery.

Eseeri weight loss

I didn’t win a financial prize, but I did win the BEST PRIZE and that is feeling and looking like the best version of myself! I’m leaner, feel light weight, my mobility, speed and strength is off the wall, I’m limber, and the list goes on. I’m more conscious of what I eat, and when I eat; the main goal being to provide my body with the best sources of nutrients as possible! I really enjoyed the challenge and I would recommend it if you are looking for something challenging to try.

Below are 5 tips to follow for a healthier lifestyle.

  1. Plan. Plan to fail, or fail to plan. I reminder hearing those words when I was younger and they make so much more sense as I’ve gotten older. I literally planned everything for this challenge; from my meals, to my gym clothes, to going to the gym, when I’d sleep etc. I wanted to ensure that I was giving myself the best possibility to getting this challenge done and to do so I had to plan, prepare and execute!
  2. Preparing my meals in advance. Major key! As is often said, 80% what you eat and 20% physical activity. I stuck to the meal plan as close as possible and I can say this is true! Preparing my meals, (including snacks), was so important to the transformation that I saw in my body.
  3. Scheduling my workout. To ensure that I completed each workout I literally scheduled it into my calendar everyday. On busy days I even set up an alarm to remind me to get to the gym. No excuses! I had to make sure that I made time for myself and get a workout in.
  4. Daily stretching. Stretching saved me during these 30 days. How do I know? Because I was silly one night and decided not to stretch. I learned the hard way when I almost fell out of my bed with pain. Stretching is a must to a fitness lifestyle as it supports your body into recovering.
  5. Drinking water. One word, hydrate! Your body will thank you. One thing I learned from this challenge was that I wasn’t hungry; I was just thirsty. Drinking water helped A LOT when I was feeling hungry, peckish, or was just bored.

Let me know in the comment section below which tip you’d consider trying.



By Eseeri, July 17, 2019
  • Valerie
    October 27, 2019

    Oh wow! Awesome.
    I’ve been thinking about joining the @imrocksolidfitness challenge. But I was debating because the only reviews or comments about the workout/challenge were from celebrities. So I wasn’t 100% sure.
    This review helped a lot. I think I’ll join the upcoming challenge, November 2nd.

    Thank you!

    • Eseeri
      October 27, 2019

      Thank you so much! If you get the chance I definitely recommend giving the program a try. It really does work if you are committed to following it. I’ve being doing the program since its ended on and off and doing this has helped my maintain my weight loss. I actually dropped another size! I started from a size 8 and Im now down to a size 4/6. I’m happy this review helped you. Wishing you the best of luck!

  • Kdot87
    November 20, 2019

    Would you mind sharing the challenge you did?

    • Eseeri
      November 22, 2019

      Thank you for reading this post. For the challenge check out the challenge creators instagram @imrocksolidfitness. He has a direct link to all his fitness challenges there on his IG profile. Best of luck!

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