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Health and Fitness Journey 2018

  • July 4, 2018
  • By Eseeri
Health and Fitness Journey 2018

Its been awhile since I’ve talked about my fitness here on the blog. If you’ve been following me on my Instagram account (@simplyeseeri) you know that I mention it regularly and am still passionate about leading an active lifestyle. 

Most recently, I decided to challenge myself and entered a 30 day fitness challenge hosted by @imrocksolid_fitness. This was a difficult challenge! It consisted of both daily workouts and a nutritional guidance that included carb cycling.

L: week 1 R: week 3

I’m not done the challenge yet, but as  you can see from the pictures there is a change in my body! I’ll be honest, I didn’t follow the challenge to a T and I’m happy I was still able to see a change nonetheless. What I learned from this experience is:
  1. Push yourself! Get outside out your comfort zone if you want to see a change. Throughout the whole challenge there was always different workouts and nutrition suggestions made. I think this is what helped to get my body outside of its comfort zone and to begin to shrink and tighten.
  2. Be consistant. From the 30 day fitness challenge I re-learned the importance of consistancy when it comes to my health and fitness. I’ll be honest, I haven’t been consistant especially with my nutrition this year. Thanks to the challenge I’m more aware of what I eat in order to benefit my body. You cannot just workout and eat healthy 1 week and expect a change. Results come from putting in the work daily! The choices you make, not matter how small have an influnce on your outcomes.
  3. You are what you eat. I’ll say that your nutrition plays a major factor in your (at least my) health and fitness journey. I really think the changes I got in my body was from what I put IN my body. The saying of “you are what you eat” rings true. Treating your body like an expensive jewel and only putting in the best ingredients really does have an impact on how it functions and performs.
Let me know in the comment section how your health and fitness journey has been going so far!




By Eseeri, July 4, 2018
  • Elizabeth Seal
    July 5, 2018

    You look amazing, well done on doing the challenge!! I think it’s really great to tailor it to you and your body, I would love to try it 😀 xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (I would love to follow each other on bloglovin if you like :D)

    July 8, 2018

    Thank you! It was really hard for me to do at first but it quickly became a part of my lifestyle. I’m currently doing the challenge again 🙂 Looking forward to checking out your blog!

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