I promised myself this year that I would pay more attention to my diet. In doing so I had to be mindful of what I eat. For the past couple of months I’ve been practicing intermittent fasting and it has helped me to eat healthy meals and to lose weight too!
What is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is when you eat and fast (not eat) during certain time periods. For example, you can choose to eat between 9am to 5pm. That means any time outside of that time window you are fasting (not eating). In the most simplest explanation, this process has helped me lose weight because during the fasting period my body uses whatever energy sources(s) it already has rather than reaching first for the energy stores that I gain after eating a meal.
How do you begin intermittent fasting?
I’d suggest that the easiest way to begin intermittent fasting is slowly! When implementing a new lifestyle change its always a good idea to start off slowly and work your way up. This way, you’re more likely to stick to it.
As I mentioned earlier I’ve been on this new lifestyle journey and so far it’s been working well for me. I like how it’s gotten me more organized in my eating habits, encourages me to choose healthy foods and bonus; I no longer have to worry about making breakfast! 😉