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Tips to Surviving Black Friday on a Budget

  • November 23, 2017
  • By Eseeri

I love shopping and I cannot lie! Black Friday is literally around the corner and as much as I’d like to buy everything I set my eyes on that’s on sale, I won’t! Below are 5 tips for myself that I plan on following so I don’t go overboard with shopping this weekend.

1. Be thankful for what you already have!

2. Identify a budget and stick to it!
Make a list and check it twice! What do I REALLY want versus what’s an impulse product that I’ve added to my list just because?

3. Compare prices. Most stores are competing for your money. Take the time to see where the best deal is!

4. Only visit the stores that are on your list. Don’t get distracted and walk into a store that you didn’t plan on visiting and get tempted.

5. Shop in the afternoon. The excitment of sale items would have died down by then (versus going when the stores open at 12am) and you won’t get wrapped up with the crowd excitment in wanting to buy everything you see.

Those are the basic tips that I’m following to get through Black Friday this year. Do you have any tipes that you follow? If so let me know in the comment secion below. Happy shopping!



By Eseeri, November 23, 2017
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