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Solo Travel Experience

  • June 14, 2017
  • By Eseeri


When evolving, something magical happens when you step into the unknown; growth.
A few weeks ago I went on my first solo trip. I packed a backpack and carryon case and stepped into adventure. I decided to spend about 5 days in Amsterdam with one day trip to Brussels, Belgium. This was hands down one of the absolute best trips I’ve ever been on!

Every negative thing I thought would happen, (example, boredom, loneliness) did not happen. In the few short days I had travelled, I amased a months of personal growth. It was the most liberating experience I’ve had in awhile and came at the perfect time in my life. My first solo vacation brought me to a place where I was reminded that to grow you need to do the uncomfortable. During this trip I stepped out of my comfortzone, put myself out there, and met new people. It was so fun meeting people from all over the world! Hearing their travel experiences and different takes on life was wonderful.

Going to museums, parks, restaurants and tours solo was also liberating. We live in a “couple culture” where when we see someone on their own (especially a woman out in a social setting) its often uncustomary. I took pride in doing various social events in what I thought would be an uncomfortable situation, and unapologetically ended up having a great time out on my own.

On a whim, I also decided to check out another country that was only a few hours away. I did not make any particular plans when I left Amsterdam for a day and ventured to Brussles. I’m so glad I went because Brussels gave me another opportunity to explore in a different environment. On top of that, I got to visit another beautiful country!

My first solo trip was life-changing, and I will definetly be planning for more in the future! Have you ever gone on vacation by yourself? If so, how did you find the experience?



By Eseeri, June 14, 2017
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