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Apple Cider Vinegar

  • June 28, 2016
  • By Eseeri

Apple cider vinegar

A few weeks ago I came across a pin on Pinterest regarding apple cider vinegar and I immediately had to pick some up for myself. Apple cider vinegar is composed of crushed apples and yeast. The crushed apples are mixed in with the yeast to ferment the sugars (natural sugars found in apples) and turn them into alcohol. Once it has turned into alcohol, bacteria may be added to the concoction to ferment it even more and turn it into acetic acid. Some apple cider vinegar’s, specifically those that are organic and unfiltered have the “mother” in them. The mother is composed of proteins, enzymes and bacteria. They appear cloudy and web-like.

The benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar are astounding! A few of them are listed below.

  • Aids in weight loss
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Kills/reduces bacteria
  • Lowers blood sugar levels
  • Improves nutrient absorption

I take one teaspoon of apple cider added to a glass of water a day. What I’ve noticed so far from taking it these past few weeks is that my metabolism has increased; it has improved my digestion process! Currently, I’m not trying to lose weight but I have noticed that it can aid in weight loss; as soon as I finish my glass of water with the cider any feelings of hunger diminishes for a couple of hours afterwards. One of the common claims that I’ve seen about this product is that it helps to fend off colds and a sore throat. I agree! Just take a spoonful followed by water and you’ll feel a bit better the next day.

In the beauty community apple cider vinegar is used as a facial toner (use equal parts vinegar and water). Personally, I have not used this product as a toner yet as I’m still doing research on it. If you have used apple cider vinegar as a toner please leave your experience in the comment section below!





By Eseeri, June 28, 2016
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  • darktemple
    June 29, 2016

    my mom has colon inflammation that sometimes hurt her so bad if she ate something spicy. She drinks apple cider vinegar with lukewarm water to keep her colon healthy and fortunately she never feel her stomach hurt again?

    • Eseeri
      June 29, 2016

      That’s amazing! Thank you for sharing that 🙂 The more I do research on the benefits on apple cider vinegar the happier I am that I’ve incorporated it into my diet.

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