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Get it Right, Get it Tight – Fasted Workouts

  • March 2, 2016
  • By Eseeri

Fasted Workouts

I’m one of those fitness enthusiast that enjoys fasted workouts. I’ve become accustomed to waking up early before work to ensure I get in a good run on the treadmill  or some miles completed on the stair master or elliptical before consuming my breakfast. Not only does this activity wake me up, it also gives me a surge of energy before I start work.

Where my fitness goals are concerned, I find that fasted cardio (or weight training) does help me shed unwanted weight faster than when I used to do my workouts after consuming a meal. If you do a quick Google search you’ll see a number of sites boasting the benefits of fasted workouts as they aid in encouraging quicker fat and weight loss.

To experience fat loss you must burn calories. The more calories (energy) you burn than what you consume (eat) the more fat loss you’ll see. Why I practice fasted workouts is because I am able to burn off the calories that have been stored in my body the day before to ensure the most amount of calories burned. When you eat a meal or snack before working out, your body will burn off those calories first before reaching into the “reservoir” of calories that are  already stored in your body. I view it as an easy way to not only lose weight but to also maintain my weight because I make sure to get my workout in during the beginning of my day before consuming my breakfast. I still do exercise without practicing fasted workouts but what I found is that when I was trying to lose weight, it took me a bit longer to do and required a little bit more effort than when I worked out without eating a meal or snack. I’ve found that my body has gotten used to fasted workouts; I’m no longer hungry midway through my session!

If you are thinking about trying out a fasted workout I’d suggest the following things; make sure you eat a balanced meal the night before, and make sure that you are well hydrated the night before, an hour before, and throughout your workout. Eating a balanced meal the night before a fasted workout is necessary to ensure your body is fueled enough for an awesome workout the next day on an empty stomach. Being hydrated is also important; you don’t want to be dehydrated and on an empty stomach when working out! It’s a bad combination that may lead to dizziness.

When do you prefer to workout?


By Eseeri, March 2, 2016
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