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L.A Girl Pro Conceal

  • December 1, 2015
  • By Eseeri


L.A Girl Pro Conceal

From top to bottom: Toast, Beautiful Bronze, Mahogany

I’ve recently been interested in exploring concealers. In the past, I hadn’t been one to use them as I felt that foundations covered up my imperfections well enough. However, as I began using different makeup products to create beauty looks, I’ve become intrigued with using  concealers too.

I came across L.A Girl Pro Conceal at my local beauty shop and picked up a few shades to compliment my skin tone. I choose a shade that matches me perfectly (Beautiful Bronze), one that is slightly lighter for a soft highlight (Toast) and a very dark shade for contouring (Mahogany). I am currently practicing how to use these products and am testing their quality and durability. I look forward to sharing a review with you!

Do you use concealers? If so what is your favourite brand?


By Eseeri, December 1, 2015
  • pnellah
    December 17, 2015

    I came across your blog series about your Jamaican holiday and scrolled down to this article.

    I feel like I’m the only one who hasn’t tried these concealers so I’ve now order Beautiful Bronze. Fingers crossed I’ve ordered the right shade.

    Like your blog too x

    • Eseeri
      December 18, 2015

      Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the lovely complement!
      I too was in the dark about the concealers until I ran into them at the local beauty supply store. Beautiful Bronze will more likely than not work for your skin tone. On me, it literally blends into my skin for the perfect match. I’m in the MAC NW 45 range. If the colour doesn’t fit your skin tone I’d suggest using it as a highlight if it’s too light, or as a subtle contour if it’s too dark. Hope that helps!

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