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Healthy Eats – Vegetarian Pasta Dish

  • November 18, 2015
  • By Eseeri

Vegetarian Pasta Dish

During the week, I tend to eat mainly vegetarian meals. I’m really enjoying the fresh taste of the combination of vegetables and herbs. I’m noticing that using quality ingredients when making vegetarian meals is key to enjoying such dishes.

Cheese and spinach ravioli
Rosemary (fresh or dried)
Basil (fresh or dried)
Garlic (2 cloves)
Olive oil (3-5 tablespoons)
Black pepper
Red vinegar

1. Bring water to a boil. Add a pinch of salt and oil to boiling water before adding in pasta to cook
2. Bring water to a boil. Add in broccoli bunch and cook
3. Finely chop garlic, basil, rosemary and set aside. Chop up kale and one tomato into chunks and set aside
4. Heat up a pan with olive oil, add in chopped herbs and lightly sauté for about 5 minutes
5. Add in chopped kale and cook till done
6. Before adding in cooked pasta to the saucepan of cooked herbs and kale, add in a splash of red vinegar
7. Add in cooked pasta, chopped tomatoes and stir
8. Plate pasta, top with fresh cracked pepper and a pinch of salt. Add broccoli to the plate
9. Serve and enjoy!


By Eseeri, November 18, 2015
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