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New York 2015 – Part 1

  • July 27, 2015
  • By eseeri

NYC - Part 1

At the beginning of this month I was able to visit New York City (NYC). I had been there a few years ago but didn’t take in all of the tourist activities or really get the chance to just hang out and leisurely explore. The first few days in NYC my friend took me to Times Square. I’ve always wanted to take a “classic tourist” NYC photo in Times Square and I was not disappointed. That place was packed! There were so many people in the area taking in the bright lights under a beautiful summers night. My friend and I had a really good time walking around, snapping photos and taking in the street entertainment and artists.

NYC - Part 1b

One night, we decided to take a tour of the city at night. It was a great experience and I’d highly suggest you try it if you get the opportunity. It provides a different perspective of NYC at night. You get to see the skyline speckled with city lights, and restaurants and patios filled with the evening crowd enjoying a summer’s night. During the tour we crossed over the Manhattan Bridge twice. That was the highlight of the tour for me because of the breathtaking view of the NYC skyline that was outlined in city lights.

Stay tuned for NYC 2015 – Part 2 of my trip where I’ll be sharing some of the restaurants I visited.


By eseeri, July 27, 2015
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